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Zeige Termine 1 - 1 von insgesamt 1 gefundenen Terminen:

25.10 - 27.10.2024
Sirius 11F84 - Colours of light 2024
  Orga Waldritter e.V.
  Ort Waldritter Kreativ.Campus Herten
(PLZ: 45699, Nordrhein-Westfalen) [zeige in Karte]
  Genre experimental edu-larp
  Art The larp is aimed at newcomers as well as experienced larpers.
  Unterkunft Jugendherberge (Tagungshaus - SciFi-Location)
  Verpflegung Vollverpflegung (vegetarian und vegan)
bis 23.10.2024150 EUR100 EUR0 EUR
  Regeln Freies Spiel / DKWD(D)K (nordic larp - Style)
  Mindestalter Unbekannt
  Spieler/NSC 28 Spieler & 3 NSC (davon noch 14 SC Plätze und 2 NSC-Plätze frei)
  Status Spieler- und NSC-Plätze frei
  Kampagne keine (played in several scenes and thus offers a time for rest in the night for the organiser/participants)
  Anmeldeschluss 23.10.2024
  ConTakt Waldritter e.V. - Carola Nebe, eMail: carola.nebe [at]
Ambiente Feiercon      X      Plotjagd
Kämpfe keineX            sehr viele
Magie keineX            sehr viel
Rätsel keine      X      sehr viele
Schlachten keineX            sehr viele
  Beschreibung A representative delegation of 4-8 humans is sent to the interstellar association on the planet New Orea after Earth’s first contact, in order to apply for admission to the association. Here the Earthlings encounter an extraterrestrial, utopian civilization whose behavior and communication is so different that problems and misunderstandings arise. This experimental edu-larp is about frustrating misunderstandings in another world that take you out of your comfort zone. The larp aims to inspire you to see the world through different eyes and broaden your horizons. The edu-larp shows you beauty, but it´s not a feel-good larp. For larp newcomers, it offers guidance to character-play and a plot full of strange encounters. For larp veterans, the larp offers a space to explore complex character techniques and give life to a mysterious alien species. Disclaimer Environment: The larp will use light and sound effects. If you are sensitive to these, please contact the organisers.
  Eingetragen am 04.09.2024 12:24
  Aktualisiert am 04.09.2024 12:24
  Con-ID 11292


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